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Crime & Criminal Tracking Network and Systems

Crime & Criminal Tracking Network and Systems

The Crime and Criminal Tracking Network Systems (CCTNS) was conceptualized by the Ministry of Home Affairs in detailed consultation with all stakeholders and is being implemented as a "Mission Mode Project (MMP)" since 2009.

CCTNS aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effective policing at all levels and especially at the Police Station level through adoption of principles of e-Governance, and creation of a nationwide networked infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled state of- the-art tracking system around "investigation of crime and detection of criminals" in real time, which is a critical requirement in the context of the present day internal security scenario.


  • Provide Citizen Centric Police Services via a web portal
  • Pan India search on National database of Crime & Criminal records
  • Crime and Criminal reports at State and Center
  • Computerization of Police Processes

Scope of coverage

The scope of CCTNS spans all 35 States and Union Territories and covers all Police Stations (15,000+ in number) and all Higher Police Offices (6,000+ in number) in the country. The CCTNS project includes vertical connectivity of police units (linking police units at various levels within the States - police stations, district police offices, state headquarters, SCRB and other police formations – and States, through state headquarters and SCRB, to NCRB at GOI level) as well as horizontal connectivity, linking police functions at State and Central level to external entities.

Benefits of CCTNS

The following are the expected benefits envisaged from successful implementation of the CCTNS:

Benefits to Police Department

  • Enhanced tools for investigation.
  • Centralized crime and criminal information repository along with the criminal images and fingerprints with advanced search capabilities.
  • Enhanced ability to analyze crime patterns and/ or modus operandi
  • Enhanced ability to analyze road incidents and other accidents.
  • Faster turnaround time for the analysis results (criminal and traffic) to reach the officers on the field.
  • Reduced workload for the police stations back-office activities such as preparation of regular and ad-hoc reports and station records management.
  • A collaborative knowledge-oriented environment where knowledge is shared across different regions and units.
  • Better co-ordination and communication with external stakeholders through implementation of electronic information exchange systems.

Benefits to Ministry of Home Affairs (NCRB)

  • Standardized means of capturing the crime and criminal data across the police stations in the country.
  • Faster and easier access to crime and criminal information across the country in a manner amenable for trend and pattern analysis.
  • Enhanced ability to detect crime patterns through modus operandi across the States/UTs and communicate to the state police departments for aiding in crime prevention.
  • The ability to respond faster and with greater accuracy to inquiries from the parliament, citizens and citizens groups; and to RTI queries.
  • Easy and low-cost scalability of crime and criminal systems in the future.

Benefits to Citizens

  • Multiple channels to access services from police.
  • Simplified process for registering petitions.
  • Simplified process for accessing general services such as requests for certificates, verifications, and permissions.
  • Simplified process and accurate means of tracking the progress of the case during trials.
  • Simplified and accurate access to view/report unclaimed/recovered vehicles and property.
  • Simplified process and channel for grievance registration.
  • Improved relationship management for victims and witnesses.
  • Faster and assured response from police to any emergency calls for assistance.

Benefits to external departments

  • Seamless integration with police systems for better citizen service delivery and improved law enforcement.
  • Quick exchange of accurate information with the police department.

Source : NCRB

अंतिम बेर संशोधित : 1/4/2024

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